
Electric drives

With electric drives or electromechanical drive technology, a distinction is made between linear and rotary drives.
An electric motor (servo or stepper motor) drives a toothed belt or a spindle,
which in turn moves a slide in a linear direction. In the case of rotary drives and modules,
the electric motor drives the internal rotary mechanics. The servo or stepper motor is controlled by suitable servo drives.
Linear mechanisms are usually divided into toothed belt and spindle axes, electric cylinders and mini slides.
The guide also plays an important role in distinguishing the type of drive.
We usually distinguish between a plain-bearing guide, recirculating ball bearing guide and roller guide.
Typical areas of application for electric drive technology can be found throughout automation technology,
especially in flexible linear or rotary positioning.
Electromechanical systems are characterised above all by robustness and rigidity as well as precision and dynamic response.
For example, linear mechanical systems achieve speeds of up to 10 m/s,
accelerations of up to 50 m/s² and a repetition accuracy of +/– 15 µm. Strokes of up to 8.5:nbsp:m are available as standard.
The design of electric drives makes them rigid and virtually unyielding.
Festo Linear axes
Linear axes
Festo Electric cylinders and slide actuators
Electric cylinders and slide actuators
Festo Electric rotary actuators
Electric rotary actuators
Festo Electric stoppers
Electric stoppers
Festo Electric handling modules
Electric handling modules
Festo Accessories for electric drives
Accessories for electric drives
